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    Something completely different

    The experimental photo below was inspired by the work of Shane Robinson. He uses a technique where he moves the camera around in various ways while taking photos with relatively long exposures. When I first saw his photos I thought they were paintings. I had tried something like this a while ago, with very mediocre results. Inspired by Shane's recent work, I decided to have another stab at it. This time the outcome was somewhat more presentable. However, where Shane produces his images completely in-camera, I have to admit to cheating and doing some post-processing in Aperture in order to infuse some extra oomph. I posted some more results on Flickr.

    I have to say this kind of photography is quite liberating, in that you have very little control over the outcome (at my skill level at least) and the results are usually a quite surprising and unpredictable. It seems almost impossible to create the same photo twice. It also makes you look at the world around you in a completely different, less literal way. The subject for this experiment, for example, was my desk and iMac. It's like revealing a hidden world below the visible surface. A parallel world that exists on a different time scale. And it changes every time you catch a glimpse of it.

    UPDATE: I've created a gallery page for my intentional camera movement photography here.

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